ICON PRODUTOS E SOLUÇÔES Products and Solutions


Digital Signage

A single modern, agile and complete tool can solve all your problems and demands in internal, business and corporate communication. Get to know TV Player Digital Signage right now


Companies that do not yet invest in the out-of-home digital are lagging behind when the subject is advertising, communication and branding . In addition to presenting much more satisfactory results than traditional media, the capabilities of Digital signage offer much more agility and speed when they are managed with an intelligent and functional system. Meet the TV Player software, the true cost-benefit setting.

The TV Player client/server Digital Signage Platform operates on an architecture that divides processing functions between a server that hosts and manages the content and one or more clients (players) that display this content on screens. Here is a detailed description of how this Platform generally works:


Server (WEB):

• Content and Database Hosting: The server stores all media data such as videos, images, text documents and interactive applications that will be displayed on screens.

• Centralized Management: It also manages the settings of all connected screens, including scheduling content, software updates, and monitoring screen performance.

• User Interface: The web-based Management Panel allows operators/users to upload new content, create and edit playlists, set display rules and monitor the health of the digital signage system as well as the status of players from anywhere with access to the Internet.

Client (Windows, Android, AndroidTV):

• Receiving and Playing Content: Client devices, often small computers, Android hardware or even AndroidTV (media players connected directly to the screens), receive content from the server. They are responsible for displaying content according to playlists and schedules defined centrally in the web management panel.

• Dynamic Updates: Clients (players) regularly synchronize with the server (keep alive) to obtain content or updates, send their status, among other packages of health information and analytics from the client hardware, ensuring that the display is always up to date and relevant.

• Offline Operation: If the client (player) is without internet, they can operate in offline mode, storing received content to continue displaying it even without an active connection to the server. It will sync any changes as soon as the connection is reestablished.

Additional Features:

• Connection: The connection between client/server (content management panel and players) is via the internet, 3g, 4g, 5g, LAN, radio... in short, any type of connection that establishes a machine-to-machine communication protocol. In the case of sensitive and corporate information, it travels within the client's own network, allowing integrations via API or Json.

• Adaptation to Context: There is the possibility of using and adapting the content displayed based on contextual factors, such as weather, general news, thematic topics, time of day or audience demographic data.

• Reporting and Analytics: The ability to generate reports on campaign performance, content display frequency and user interactions is another crucial feature, allowing for continuous optimization of communication strategies.

Benefits of client/server architecture

• Scale and Control: This model is ideal for large, geographically dispersed networks such as franchises or large networks, offering centralized control while distributing the content processing to local customers.

• Flexibility and Security: Updates and changes can be implemented quickly and securely through the server, reducing the risk of inconsistencies and errors. Using client/server-based Digital Signage TV Player software makes it easier to manage dynamic content across a wide variety of industries, such as retail, franchising, healthcare, fitness, education, hospitality and transportation, maximizing visual impact and effectiveness of visual communication.


To test the TV Player Platform, simply click here and follow the steps sent to the registered email. If you have any questions about the process, we are available on WhatsApp (click here).


To use the system without difficulties and clarify possible doubts, the control Panel brings the option of the Practical Guide . The guide is simple and didactic, with explanations in detail illustrated, allowing the rapid absorption of the content and, consequently, the simple solution of any problems.

When technical help is needed, TV Player offers three support platforms:

Online presentation scheduling:

If you prefer to schedule an online demonstration of our platform, contact our team who will filter your company's demand and direct you to a technician according to the schedule and period needed for the presentation.


If the company wishes to In Company Training, that is, In person, TV Player offers a workshop technician visit. The training takes place through the approval of the budget previous costs with displacement, lodging and feeding in the period.


If you still have any questions about the agility of the TV Player system for managing digital out-of-home , test our product right now!

The demonstration is free .

To acquire and consult values (ask for special packages for various points), please contact us through the chat or clique aqui.

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